
Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland, has grappled with the challenge of Covid-19. Whatever your politics, her calm and decisive leadership has helped our country steer a very difficult path. This has been obvious in the lead up to the opening of the tourist sector on the 16 July. Sue and I were full of trepidation at the prospects of managing Powdermills Bed and Breakfast, near Inveraray, when we opened.

I am pleased to report, so far, everything has gone as smoothly as we could have wished. Our plans for providing breakfast in the Garden Room and maintaining social distancing have worked although we have now opened the Breakfast Room when we have both bedrooms occupied. Also, our reviews have been fantastic.

We did not imagine that we would be particularly busy when we opened as 80% of our custom last year came from overseas. However, thanks to Nicola Sturgeon’s urging, most of our visitors are from Scotland. They seem to be taking her advice and having a ‘Staycation’! Of course, I am biased but Scotland is the most varied and beautiful country in the world

In addition, we have seen a marked increase in customers who bring their dogs. Powdermills Bed and Breakfast is ideal for dogs and we are pleased to meet and greet them as well. In fact we have decided, subject to customer approval, to start taking a photo of each doggie visitor and posting their picture on the web site.

I understand that this a battle against Covid-19 but today, 27 July there were only three reported cases in Scotland and thankfully no deaths. So this cautious approach seems to be working but we must all be as vigilant as ever. ‘Staycations‘ seem to be have been a success.