Spring, Spring, Spring
So goes the song from the 1954 musical Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and as sung by Howard Keel. Spring is a wonderful time of year. It is full of hope. And, we are hopeful for Powdermills Bed & Breakfast being a success in this our first year at Furnace, near Inveraray.
We are also hopeful of getting some good spring weather anytime soon. And, as I write this the snow lies on the mountains but the sun shining in my eyes; so, I’m ever hopeful.
Spring officially started on 1 March, according to the meteorological definition, lasting until 31 May. But, according to the astronomical calendar, which depends on the spring equinox varying the date, it will fall on 20 March until the summer solstice on 21 June.
We have just had our son and his beautiful fiancée staying with us and this was her first trip to Argyllshire. Would you believe it, we have seen every kind of weather this past week – the weather was cold and grey, and it started raining and it didn’t stop for a long while and until they left.
We were hopeful before they arrived that the weather would be good as we had some beautiful sunny weather at the end of February that sent the wildlife in our garden crazy. Birds were noisily chasing each other all over the place. We saw for the first time the woodpecker we normally only hear in the mornings at the top of the garden. It flited between a clump of silver birches near to the house, in his splendid red, white and black colours. Our dogs played outside continuously and we had a job getting them in. And, we came across a baby adder on a walk, which this unseasonably fair weather had caused to leave its nest three weeks early. So, all this activity felt like spring had arrived.
They leave from Glasgow airport today and as the sun streams into my eyes, did I mention that they are getting married this year, in the spring. Spring. Spring. Spring.