A Star and a Speck

The prevailing weather has seen high pressure over Scotland this week.  As a result, heavy coats, scarfs and hats are once again needed for the frosty mornings. The chore of clearing the ice from the car is back, but this has been offset by the glorious sunshine during the day, offering a glimpse of Spring.  The snowdrops are out, and the daffodils are only weeks away from blooming.  Clear skies in Argyll means it’s a fantastic time to star gaze.  As usual, Sue’s been up in the middle of the night trying to capture the stars.  Apparently, it’s been a special time for astronomers – the Moon can be seen with Venus and Jupiter in proximity. 

It reminded me of last year, when I couldn’t get to sleep and was in awe in the stars slowing moving passed our sky light and was compelled to write this poem. 

A Speck

I’m awake again.
It’s the moon this time,
Floats past the skylight
Clear, like a torch.
Thousands and millions,
No, trillions of stars,
stare down on me, us.
Count them as they move.
New worlds far away,
so small, I’m a speck.
Wonder if they care
when they can’t sleep

Our daughter was interested in the stars as a youngster, so to encourage her, Sue devised simple ways for her to remember not only the names of the planets, but what the weather might be on each planet. 

            ‘What do you need when you’re on Pluto?’ Sue would ask.

            ‘’You need to put your coat on,’ she would reply.

Our daughter, always the scientist, completes her PhD this year.

The visibility for star gazing has been so good that the Northern Lights have been viewed as far south as Somerset and Suffolk.  Unfortunately, Sue didn’t mange to capture that on one of her nocturnal photo sessions! 

Finally, Episode 5 of Sue and Johnny – Everything and Anything is out.  Apart from the usual Powdermills, local news, and our take on politics, the first instalment of two with Morag McLaren is included.  Don’t miss it – her rendition of Pete the Piddling Pup is priceless.  Morag discusses her singing career, her love books and of poetry. It’s been a busy week, as we have also interviewed Duncan Beaton, local historian and leader of the Campbell Clan Facebook page.  This will be released in a couple of weeks.

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