To Portavadie and beyond!

In early December we decided to drive to Glenbranter to purchase a large Christmas tree from the Forestry Commission.  Powdermills Bed and Breakfast in Furnace, Inveraray has a wonderful window facing down Loch Fyne that can take a large Christmas tree – we settled on 10 feet but it could have been 20 feet but a crane would have probably been needed!

Also, it was an opportunity to take Mabel for a walk and take new arrival Boo, our four-month-old beautiful red boxer pup for her first walk in the Forestry grounds.  More importantly we could drive down the other side of Loch Fyne to Portavadie Marina Spa. Sue has been dying to go to ever since reading about Heal Scotland’s ‘goddess gathering’ for yoga types held there last November.  And of course, have a coffee.  So, on one of the greyest of days in December we set off only 35 miles which is not that far away.  

We motored through Inveraray and passed the Tree Shop Garden café resisting the temptation to stop for coffee and a slice of one of the best vegan fruit cakes going.  We arrived at Glenbranter and picked our 10ft Christmas tree – a large Norwegian Spruce and took to the dogs for a stroll through the marked paths.  Then on down the south side of Loch Fyne, stopping at Lachlan Bay to take photographs of Old Castle Lachlan, ancestral home of the MacLachlan’s one of Scotland’s oldest clans. 

The road narrows to single track and you must stop to let oncoming cars pass.  Progress was slow – Sue was as usual, craving on a coffee.  We briefly paused at Inver by the highly rated all female restaurant – unfortunately closed at this time of the year.  We were scanning the Loch for wild life and especially otters but had no luck even when we stopped to stretch our legs at Otter Ferry, formerly the site of a ferry across Loch Fyne. 

We were only nine miles from to Portavadie, and Sue needed a coffee.  At last we reached a T-junction at Millhouse and it is right to Portavadie.   Sue could smell the Spa oils and the coffee.

However, as we proceeded towards the coast, I spotted an incoming ferry.  I thought the ferry did not run at this time of year so it was a surprise.  The ferry was docking and the door dropping and cars starting to drive off.  I did not fancy driving all the way back and suggested we just get the ferry over to Tarbert save driving all the way back!   

‘Noooooooo……..’, Sue cried, as we joined the small queue of cars waiting to get on the emptying ferry.   

So, Sue is still dying to go to Portavadie, but we did get a coffee in Tarbert!