The Book Club

We hope everybody has had a good summer.  Powdermills B&B has been busy, and September is becoming a heat wave.  If you’re a regular listener to Sue and Johnny – Everything and Anything – you’ll know that we’ve managed to produce a weekly podcast that has been enriched by the guests who tell their stories.

The Reading and Writing section of the podcast has developed, and we would like to take this one step further.  We would like to start a Book club.  The format would be simple.  A group of volunteers will collectively agree on a book to read and give feedback via a Zoom meeting, which will be recorded in audio to be included in an episode of the podcast.  We envisage reading and reporting back on a book every six weeks.  In the Zoom Book Club review, everyone can give their views on the book’s merits and provide a rating.  Below is the five-star rating system we are suggesting, but please feel free to suggest an alternative.   

This will not work unless we get volunteers willing to read the book and provide feedback for the podcast.  As to how many can join – as many as want to – Zoom can accommodate many callers.  In addition, not everybody will be able to make the review meeting – that’s fine.  Scheduling a convenient time for everybody will be a challenge.  And some will not fancy the book – that’s fine, too.  However, we hope to get enough in the Book Club each period that will be an enjoyable and entertaining discussion.

The first task is to ask if you would join us and participate.  If you could get in contact if you’re interested, this would be very helpful.  Secondly, we must select at least a few books to start us off.  We have no preferences, whatever the consensus.  We could review the Booker shortlist, or by genre or even classics that some might not have read.  Again, please indicate a book you’d like to be reviewed, even if you won’t be able to join the Book Club. 

So. come and be part of the podcast.

Sue and Johnny